When you join our industry-disrupting Influential Ally Program™, you add invaluable P&C insurance support with zero overhead.

Add Value Not Overhead

Make it easy for clients to get expert P&C advice without increasing your service costs.

Disrupt The Competition

Elevate your virtual family office  with Lifestyle Risk Management™ and get a serious edge.

Get All The Glory

We deliver a P&C insurance program that fits your client's plan. You get the credit!

Are you meeting their unspoken needs?

You work in a intensely competitive and complex field with sky-high expectations from your clients.  This can feel frustrating and disheartening.  But take heart—we have your back!

Consider these findings about financially successful families from the Oliver Wyman report, The Overlooked Gap in Financial Advice:

A huge 77% want P&C insurance support from their financial advisor but only 28% are getting it.

Nearly 40% of surveyed families would consider switching to a new advisor if they offered P&C support and 16% would switch even if there were additional fees.

At Influential Lifestyle insurance, we developed a P&C collaboration program to help you expand your virtual office approach without increasing your overhead.  Your clients get the expert P&C advice they’re looking for and we manage the risk and insurance programs that support the financial plan you expertly crafted for them.  

Get the Report Here

Here is the report. Looking forward to speaking with you.
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Join forces with our influential ally program

Your clients get:

  • An expertly crafted Lifestyle Risk Dossier™ unique to their family.
  • Insurance that connects with their financial plan.
  • Professional risk management advice as life changes.
  • An irreplaceable advisor. . . YOU.

We know what it’s like to work in a crowded and competitive industry. That’s why we want to partner with you to add proven value to your clients.

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We work with premium carriers.

It's Easy to Work With Us


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We listen to your goals and expectations for working together.


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Experience our seamless referral and collaboration process.


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We deliver the expert P&C advice your clients need. You get the glory.

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